Are “Best Practices” the Best Practice for Your Family Business?
Is a Best Practice the Best Solution for Your Family Business? Conflict and uncertainty eventually challenge most family businesses. There is no shortage of books and articles espousing a so-called “best practice” for a family [...]
Selling a Family Business? Prepare for the Challenges!
Selling? Getting it Right! The decision whether or not to sell the family business is often a difficult one. No matter if the business has been nurtured and handed down through several generations or is [...]
Managing Sibling Wealth Disparity pt. 2
Without common values and mutual respect, siblings may lack a common language to talk about the use and purpose of money. Part 2 of a 2-part series by Continuity Managing Partners Doug Baumoel and Blair [...]
Managing Sibling Wealth Disparity pt.1
When misunderstood, wealth disparity between siblings can build resentment… Understand why and steps you can take towards a shared vision. Part 1 of a 2-part series by Continuity Managing Partners Doug Baumoel and Blair Trippe [...]
Employee Reviews: A Challenge in Family-Owned Businesses
Cultivating Successful Family Business Leaders It has long been a tenet of successful businesses that regular and honest performance reviews are essential. However, in a family-owned business, employee reviews can be torture for both non-family [...]
Importance of The Family Factor in Managing Family Business Conflict
“The family — that dear octopus from whose tentacles we never quite escape, nor, in our inmost hearts, ever quite wish to.” ~~Dodie Smith Continued Relations Unlike classic business disputes where warring parties can do [...]
Releasing Blame: The Case for Forgiveness
“He who cannot forgive others breaks the bridge over which he must pass.” – Confucius Getting Past Long-Held Grudges Takes Time It’s very common for members of family owned businesses to become bogged down in [...]
How to Enjoy Your Family Over the Holidays When You Work With Them
As we head further into the holiday season, many of us are preparing for family functions with the full spectrum of emotions running from eager anticipation to dread.