

Family Ties and Relationship Challenges

Family business conflict is typically caused by opposing goals, incompatible values and/or an historical impasse. Often, families will avoid discussing these because there are deep commitments on both sides that might make it hard to come to consensus. When this happens, the business can suffer from inaction. Historical Impasse can often act as the cement that keeps such situations “stuck”.

Managing Identity-Based Conflict

Families are made up of individuals who each have their own unique values, goals, personality traits and talents which are at the core of their sense of self, or their identity. When they feel that their very sense of self is threatened, they will go to desperate lengths to defend what they hold dear.

It’s Not What You Think: Five Myths About Family Business Conflict

A healthy family system processes conflict constantly. In a family business, it is completely normal for deeply-caring individuals to struggle in coming to consensus over the governance, succession and growth of their enterprise. Well-managed conflict can lead to new approaches, innovative strategies, and resilience.

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